It's amazing what can happen in nine weeks! Three phrases have come into my mind often over the last month, but especially the last week: "All that I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen", "When I count my many blessings I count you twice", and "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late". I started teaching 3rd grade and found it difficult, overwhelming, fun, exhausting, entertaining, pleasurable, and it is a grade I would like to teach when I graduate in December. Wow that's around the corner! Woo! I took over subjects one week at a time, sometimes two subjects during one week. Some subjects stumped me or gave me a challenge while others were like giving candy to a baby! Now that I'm on Fall break and thinking over what it was that I was able to do for the 22 3rd graders that I taught, I realize that I changed so many of those children's lives. I had the privilege of meeting all of their parents or at least saying "Hi" to all of them and others I held a conversation with. It was interesting to see who I had the most impact upon as I heard from their parents or from my mentor when she talked to me after the fact. As I said "good bye" to my 22 3rd graders last Friday, I fought the tears so I could tell them that I cared in words. The tears still came. I wrote all the children all of their own Thank You letters for shaping me into the teacher I am today. I also encouraged many of the children to never give up as I know many are fighting for their elementary education on their own with no support from their families/parents. Then I gave them all play-dough! It was something fun! Haha! Plus I like it!
Now, as I told my third graders, I got demoted to preschool, but I truly know that I am suppose to go to preschool to teach the children there who need me! Hooray! I love those kids!
Outside of school, I have been called to be the chorister for sacrament once every four weeks, but I only will be doing it when a certain organist is playing... Sister Ballard! I'm so excited! I love Sister Ballard is amazing and I love her so much! I don't know how else to express that!
The last part of my nine weeks, I got sick with laryngitis and serous otitis media. Basically it is fluid between the tympanic membrane and Eustachian tube. My Eustachian tube is not drain the fluid and thus I have radiating pain my in ear. It hurts so much. I can deal with not talking, but this pain hurts so much! YIKES!
However, I cannot complain much because I am happy! Why are you so happy? I'm glad you asked! (sorry, that's a phrase we us in school) There is someone I want everyone to meet and I cannot wait for that to happen! The only thing that is keeping that from happening is schedules. Our schedules are completely full as well as opposite. When I'm at school, he is at work. When I'm at work, he's at school. Then when the weekend comes, I'm either jammed pack with lesson plans, he with homework, or he's out of town and I'm sick! Something is always going on, but somehow we always have time to talk to each other through notes, text, phone calls, or he'll actually drive two hours just to find me for church. Yes, I feel extremely lucky to have my boyfriend. I know it's only been two months on the 14th of October, but if this is what it feels like to be loved and to love someone... then I may have found the one. He treats me like his princess and I want to give him my all. Our communication is stronger then it is with anyone else. I fell for him because of his personality not because of his looks, but his looks are gorgeous! Ha! I cannot wait for people to meet him! Tod said, "He's a keeper!" Now for everyone else to see him! Hmmm... which picture to start with. Maybe I'll just keep adding more! ;)
Oh happiest moment of my life, short lived one that will allow me to be happy for the rest of my life, I passed all my exams for certification! I can now teach birth to 8th grade! I can't teach birth, but I can teach that age group! It's official! Once I graduate I will be considered a professional! Oh yeah! All this schooling was for something! So excited!
Here is what you were waiting for! My gorgeous sweetheart! xoxo
Oh and for those of you who are like me and like to compare faces... here is my picture. You can start comparing. Maybe this week I will remember to bring the camera to get one of us together for everyone!
Here are some facts about him... I don't mind sharing haha! He's 6'1", blond hair, blue eyes, amazing personality, hard worker, I'm his princess, family, church, school, and work are extremely important to him! He is nothing that I expected at this time in my life, but for that I am grateful for and always will be... no matter what!
A picture my friend did for me! -musical notes over a lake! Beautiful!

Here is a picture of my bulletin board that I did... my first one!