Saturday, June 28, 2008

Continuation of family Reunion!

Guess what! I shot a Mouser! Yeah I know a girl shooting a gun? What? It's not my fault-- it's my cousins! Lol jk it's mine but I think I did a wonderful job! Just ask Dustin! Actually, the gun was so heavy and I was so afraid of blowing out my shoulder, and it showed on my face apperently that my 2nd cousins helped me! So this is how it all happened! I held the gun how they (meaning my cousins) told me too. One cousin cover my ears so I wouldn't go deaf. Did it work? Partly. Another cousin helped me hold the gun! With one hand. Wow I'm weak. Then I aim! Ready. Set. Fire. .... Yeah I... Hit... Nothing. I shot over the mountain when I was aiming at a broken down truck! Beautiful! At least I have nice cousins! Too bad I don't remember the two that helped me. One was, I think, a M&M kid! Those one's are HARD! Anyhoo heres the bullet shell!

Here's some more action! Great uncle Reg! And I mean GREAT as in FANTASTIC! Out of the blue, when I was in flip flops, had us follow him out to his horses and remembered the last time we came up, the promise he made with me! He promised to let me ride his horses, however he said I had to be in tennis shoes. I forgot my end of the bargain. But being the great guy he is, he told me to step on his leg and get up on the nicest horse he has. bare back! HEEHAW!

Now the moment you've been waiting for... Grandma and the accordion! She's always so talented! Boy was she cute! Enjoy! I'll try and add the video if I can get it to work with sound later!

Family Reunion- visiting grandpa's grave

What a nice opportunity it was to visit grandpa's grave with grandma and our cousins! It's still hard to see it, but humbling to know of Father's plan and that families are for ever! There is still no head stone, but there is a little name plate thing. I think that's what it's called! There's tiny, little pieces of grass growing out of the dirt. And just as his funeral day, the wind blew peacefully, and reassuringly that all is well in Zion!

Family Reunion!- Morning

This past weekend my family was able to go up north to Pinetop to visit Uncle Ryan and his family! Along with that, there were two reunions going on. One in Pinetop for the Ellsworth side and one in Woodsroof for the Tenny side! On Friday afternoon we took off for Ryan's. We didn't arrive til the evening so all the following pictures are from Saturday's events! Cade was enjoying using my phone! He took a wonderful picture of himself! There were many more on my phone! One of his eye, a video of him running around his home and showing off his new little brother of which he and his sibling absolutely adore (esp the belly button!), and of the road we were traveling on! Also of a Gatorade bottle! Excellent if you ask me!
Yeah and here's me! Front seat like always! Shot gun really! Had to add it! Ashley kept asking for me to send a picture to her and i didn't have one on my phone and so I took one for her and this is what I got!

Okay... this next footage is something that we (meaning just us kids-no adults) played with for hours on end. We loved it and couldn't stop until we became hungry! Even Clair loved it! Although with her we were a little more cautious so it wouldn't roll into the lake/pond!

Monday, June 16, 2008


I Love this and those who make me smile all the time!

Friday, June 6, 2008


I'm totally siding with Grandma! She told my mom that we should have let it die and I'm agreeing with her now since it has bitten me seven times and it won't be quite! I'm ready for it to fly away, but I can't even grab it out of it's cage because it continues to bit me! I should have listened to Grandma! I guess I have learned my lesson when it comes to birds! Grandma always knows! However, as much as it is annoying to hear it chirp in the middle of the night, it was fun to watch it grow into this plump round ball of feathers. I just wish I knew how much longer it's going to be around or rather, "when is it going to fly away!?!" I still want to know if it's a boy or a girl though?? hm... guess i'll never know.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Just a bit more protein

a little thought to remember- don't let your brothers cook! As a little gift today, or maybe we were all (meaning the kids) starving, but we as children decided to cook dinner as my mom took Tod around to do fast offerings. Fritos stack is what we were making! yummy! Anyhoo, I assigned assignments to Logan and Jaron because I was gifted with a migraine once again! Unfortunately, I don't think about the little things my brothers might do and I gave Logan the rice and Jaron the meat. Rice was easy. Jaron, however, as he was browning the meat, saw a little, small, black ant that our house seems to have all over-- they don't bite, but are annoying! The ant was on the stove (why i don't know). Jaron, out of no where decides to let the ant crawl onto the spatula and puts it into the pan where the meat was. Personally, I don't think the ant lasted long. I think it fried! Yeah, I was the first to watch this action! "GROSS" But I needed the extra protein I guess!
Mortal of the story: well it depends on how you look at it. Either 1) don't let your brothers cook, but then you have to do it all yourselves (no fun- probably not a good idea) or 2) eat ants with your food because they don't taste bad and some taste like red raspberry's!