Awesome, funky socks right! That's the secret to getting a guy's attention at fhe, even if that's not what you were planning on doing! I only wanted to go to carve a pumpkin, but found myself engaged in conversation with men. Yah-da Yah-da Yah-da, met tons of new guys. Anywho, goal of the night was to 1)carve the best pumpkin and 2) smash it on the target-droping it off the parking structure at the institute! There were 7-8 Groups and 1 more pumpkin than there were groups so my group got the extra pumpkin! As the only girl in my group i had to let them know that I was not their typical girly-girl. (Yah-da Yah-da Yah-da as before mentioned, consisted of a conversation about my tumor and how it was white and rubbery. The guy i was talking to was thinking about being a neurosurgeon so i let him have the good stuff!) Our group name was named after me since i was the only girl. It didn't have much to do with our idea however. Our idea was the best one according to the judges, but maybe on the other groups who lost! Cannibalism! One pumpkin eating the other! Also, the smashing of pumpkins, we won that as well with our second pumpkin, however if you average both of our pumpkins, which they did to be fair, we lost because we got 9.5 while the other time got 10. LAME- that's my competitive side of me! (side note for Matt, I think I was wrong about his first name, it might be Klyn. IDK. I'll find out when I see him again and I'll get back to you;)

2 Happy gram:
Wow, those are some seriously stripey socks! You know you went to that activity so you could wear those socks and talk to the guys. Carving the best pumpkin was seriously the last thing on your mind!!!!!!
;) I love talking to guys, but I really wanted to carve pumpkins! No joke! However, I wish i got a couple numbers from that night or last Mondays!
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