School is so great, except for the lame essay assignments with the most ridiculous prompts. The most stimulating class I have that I actually find useful, even though I can find pros and cons to all of them, is Childrens Lit. It's SO much fun! Talk about getting to color, talk, and find that inner reading buddy of yours that you thought you lost when you had to start reading text books back in high school. For this class we are assigned to bring four new picture books or 1 chapter book that we read for that week to read or tell to the class. Are you following here... reading picture books to college students. YES! Something I never thought I would do. It's great. I get to act out characters, use an accent, fall when the character falls in the book, etc. Oh and did I mention we color? Don't worry you write papers to, but this is what makes me want to be a teacher. The excitement behind the scenes. Oh and I get to write to a 6th grader! He's interesting. Anywho, I had to get snap shots for him so he would know who he was writing so here's the latest. I have to say that i'm getting petty good at using paint.