1. My mom and I b4 surgery.
2. Rhonda- She was my nurse in Recovery Room. She was neat and fun. She told me to toss the ice I was eating if I wanted. She also told my mom to take a picture of my pee because it was green! It's not every day that you see glow in the dark pee! Mine is special! Even the doc thinks so!
3. My Dear Grandma Ellsworth came with me and my mom to be with us during surgery and she stayed the whole time. She is awesome. I love her!4. This is my awesome scar! 15 stitches- i think and one long stitch!
5. My mother feeding me ice chips! Nice and cold, something that was wonderful for my raw throat. Yes, it is still very raw and now my tongue is raw and it's hard to eat what I want! What a bummer! Who would have thought that brain surgery effects what kind of diet you get to have. Fruit snacks has even been limited. :(
6. I'm hardly awake on this one and it's just a far way picture of me on oxygen, iodine in my ear with dry blood... eewwwww! 7. My ET pose! It has a red light on the end of it too!
No joke!
8. A close, close up of my scar!
9. This is Corrine! MY first ICU nurse! I loved her. She cared for me as if I was her own child. She even gave me ice cream at 2:30 in the morning! imagine that one kids! 10. This my Baby Abby Garrett! I love her! She keeps a smile on my face and (don't tell her parents, but i've been teaching her tom boy stuff) i.e. spitting, hand shakes (she has that one down quite well!);)
11. Ashley is next to me in this one. She's been taking great care of me while I was unable to move. That's what sisters are for!
12. Oh, this is JOE! Joe Sanchez! My other ICU nurse for during the day. He was funny and we passed jokes back and forth to each other! He even let me break the visitor rule of only two visitors at a time and instead I had 5! And he's not too bad looking. Plus he's got a job and a degree! lol! hows that guy holly?
13&14 This is Tony. He moved me from the ICU (which I was glad to get out of so that I could have more visitors -oh and I took pillows from there too) into the Patient room where the many parties took place. I think my mom never knew how many friends I really did have until now! I tuckered her out! Sorry mom!
15. Sally. What a sweetie, if I may. She was the night shift of two and she did such a great job!
16. Kim. She was cool! Took care of me on discharge day! awesome really! helpful in getting me the last drugs at the hospital and the paperwork needed!
17. this is me not looking so happy. I'm being forced to eat- which i don't like. also, i just had a bath and my sister had to help me with that because of the iv's, my left arm is totally bruised and i can't use it or lift it too high and i can't even scratch my back anymore. what a pity.
18. Thanks to everyone who has kept me in their prayers, fasted for me, called, visited, sent notes, flowers, gifts, hugs, letters from Brazil. & loves! Hopefully I'll forget what the hospital experience is like before I feel like having children. For now, it's not happening: I don't like IV's! I'll adopt instead!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Craniotomy Procedure 4-24-08
Posted by Natalie at 4:12 PM 5 Happy gram
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ella & I
It's Amazing how much fun you can have with your best friend. All we did was go to Sonic and order our favorite, okay my favorite drink and she ordered whatever she wanted. However, as you can see in the video below (sorry, no sound, I forgot that my phone was on silent :)) that she didn't want to just try her drink, but both of ours. It was totally funny because not only did she get a brain freeze, but before she did that, we both took a sip of our own drink and paused at the same time and then switched drinks! Crazy!
The rest of the night we just sat in the car talking about our crazy lives and how much we wish we were in grade school again just so that we didn't have to plan the rest of our lives yet. Choices, choices, choices. There's just so many to make. Actually, we put that off and just started to get the giggles and that my friends and family came out of no where. It was nice to have them though. I haven't had them like that in such a long time. My stomach was aching after words. I couldn't even tell you what I was about to say or do in that picture. BUT, we were cracking up and that's all that matters!
This picture was taken back when I still had brown, with little blond highlights. But last night Ella told me she liked it. Probably because it showed her looking good or something, or maybe her extremely long tongue, but I love the pic too!
Enjoy the Video! It's not as high tech as the video's my aunt's take, but I'm getting there! :)
Posted by Natalie at 3:58 PM 2 Happy gram
Saturday, April 12, 2008
One for All and All for One

All five of us kids, almost all grown up. Yes, the three of us wore yellow, but not on purpose. It just happened. AND I had my outfit picked out first, but great minds think alike. Also, thanks to my wonderful two inch heals, I wasn't the shortest in the picture. Okay, so i was also standing on my tippy toes as well. But I still wasn't the shortest!

2. For a wise and glorious purpose Thou hast placed me here on earth And withheld the recollection Of my former friends and birth; Yet ofttimes a secret something Whispered, “You’re a stranger here,”And I felt that I had wandered From a more exalted sphere.
3. I had learned to call thee Father, Thru thy Spirit from on high, But, until the key of knowledge Was restored, I knew not why. In the heav’ns are parents single? No, the thought makes reason stare! Truth is reason; truth eternal Tells me I’ve a mother there.
4. When I leave this frail existence, When I lay this mortal by, Father, Mother, may I meet you In your royal courts on high? Then, at length, when I’ve completed All you sent me forth to do, With your mutual approbation Let me come and dwell with you.
Text: Eliza R. Snow, 1804–1887
Posted by Natalie at 1:20 PM 3 Happy gram
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I truly do miss my grandpa, more than my tears can tell. His battle of lung, bone, and liver cancer was only a challenge. Pneumonia valley fever, etc. only made matters worse, even til death. I love him and am glad that he's not hurting anymore. He's serving his mission and we must continue to serve ours. As we lift up the feeble knees and the wounded hands, we can cheer their hearts with his everlasting words. He praised the Lord by singing hymns, sharing scriptures, and knowledge of the truth to his family and friends to the very end of his earthly life, what greater joy can a granddaughter have than to know of the love her grandfather had for the gospel and savior. Thank you for the covenant you made in the temple so that we can be sealed together for all time and eternity. Well, my parents too! But for you showing the way. Grandpa, you may love me the most, but I love you infinity plus 1!
Posted by Natalie at 10:10 PM 2 Happy gram