Thursday, August 21, 2008


Today- aug 13 Brian birthday was awesome I took him bowling with Ella and Justin Lee and Matt! I kept getting gutters and Brian killed everyone else! Lol what a pair we are! Lol anyways I was held in his arms and he held my hands today! Oh I’m so excited! Ahh! Yeah and then we got him back to the house after 2 games and he never picked it up that is was a surprise even though he thought he saw his friends Patrick’s truck. Also he was wondering why we never went and got any food! Matt had told him we would get some after we went home, but Brian never understood why we had to go home first. We fooled him! We let him open the house and then everyone inside yelled “surprise”! Great! Thank you Tina, Hilary, and everyone else for putting it together! You rock! Esp. Matt! He thought of it! We partied all night long until I came back home. I was leaving and Brian walked me out. At my car he gave me a hug, but instead of from the side he gave it from the front!

1 Happy gram:

mommy said...

:) I'm glad you're posting about your dating life, so I can still get updates even though I'm far away! He looks like a fun guy (the date pictures were cute) and I hope you get to know him better!