Monday, August 4, 2008

Missionary Farewell Party!

I understand that we aren't suppose to call them farewells, but I don't know how else we are suppose to explain it to nonmembers! Plus, when the party is mostly made up of nonmembers (esp in Tempe) it makes more sense to their minds when we use the word "Farewell." So this Saturday night, after other events which I will post later, I went to a farewell party for my dear friend Owen who leaves this Wednesday! However I was trying to use up a camera from earlier that day and found out that magic can occur within. Okay only on some of the pictures. But either way one of the pictures kinda looks like an engagement picture, but NO! :) It's no where close! We are just really good friends and I'm pushing him on his mission like all the other boys who have already left or are about too! Tay Tay is my little (6'3") bro! Ha ha!

0 Happy gram: