Sunday, May 18, 2008

Jay's Here!

So yesterday, my Colorado family members came over to visit me. My Uncle Jay, Aunt Ellie, and Cousin Justin are from there and at first, that's all I thought came over, boy was I wrong! Not only did they come, but my Cousin Mike and his family (who are from here) came over as well! It was so neat to see them. To visit with them and to share the thrilling experience with them was extremely moving, if you will. Mike's wife, Candy, she showed me pictures of human brains! Awesome! She a radiologist! This whole procedure was interesting for the two of us, so you can just imagine how much in depth of a conversation we had! I told her about wanting a video so I could have a movie night or a least have pictures! Oh well, I guess a scar will have to do! She is so much fun and I love her!
So also this week, Bryson has come up with a name for my sweet car that can't really drive at the moment! It's a sweet name! I love it and now I just have to figure out how I'm going to display it cuz I'm not going to put it on the license plate- i'd rather spend money elsewhere.
*~* DIS *~*
and since it's a cobalt... Dis-cobalt... get it? sweet huh? I like it! It's a good one, better than what i can come up with that's for sure!
So that's that! Other than that, I don't have much going on other than Doc. appointments or as Erin said the other day, "that's the story of your life!"

4 Happy gram:

LM said...

I'm so glad that you are healing well. You've been in our thoughts and prayers. We love you tons.
Leis and the kiddies

Heidi said...

took me a sec to get the disco ball thing, but that's rad!!

Natalie Francis said...

I'm glad you're feeling well enough to post something. Our prayers are still with you!

The Turley Times said...

You better call me after all those appointments!