Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Not that this is what I was planning on posting this week, but ow! I was at my best friends house getting hand-me-downs. On the way out the door (i'm guessing the dang dog wanted the clothes or something of that nature) the families dog snatched my right leg. My poor muscle! Ha ha if I had any! Anyhoo, Ella (best friend) then pounded the dog, who she absolutely hates, and throws him in the cage, and I mean throws. Then I'm gently nursed back to health by Ella and her mom before I went home to cry. But, If you thought that was torture, I got a phone call from a guy who is taking me on a date Saturday (YEA), and I was crying! Just what I needed! Oh well, he might as well know that I'm not the toughest girl on the planet right! I guess now I have something else to chat about on the ride up to the creek or lake. Whatever it is!

1 Happy gram:

mommy said...

Sounds like it will be a fun date - just don't let any wild animals bite you while you're out!