Sunday, July 20, 2008

update 101

Just an update. I've been attending the singles ward and am loving it! I'm having a great time meeting new people and making new friends! Awesome individuals are out there! I can't really reveal any major names at the moment. There is a problem with it you see. The ward I am in is changing next Sunday, but for now, the U2 ward is primarily made up of (for guys only) Rob's, Matt's, Brian's, and your name is...? Girls are another story and much easier. I have it down to a science! Well, hopefully I'll be getting some fun pictures and events posted and whatnot! P.S. Did I ever say how cute some of the guys are--not just looks either!

3 Happy gram:

Heidi said...

right on! have fun in singles ward. i likee the new background too. ;)

mommy said...

Yay, I'm glad you're going to a University Ward. I had so much fun for the years I was in that stake. Lots of fun people and activities, and I learned a lot too. Keep us posted on the cute Matt's and Brian's. :)

Pam Badesso said...

hey! I'm glad to hear you are doing well. What is your home number?