Holly is such a great snow shoveler! If that's a word? Trying to hit me with snow off a tree is not a great idea though! Ha ha!

Saturday night I got to go on a "date" with Isaac to McD's, but since I couldn't drive stick or in the snow, his mom had to come along with her date lincoln. Jed stayed home to work. So since it was my date to begin with I bought every one some frys and a sunday. I had a shake due to the chocolate in the sunday. I started to dip my frys in the shake and Lincoln caught on! It was the funniest thing i have seen in a long time! First he would dip it in the katchup and then lick that then he would double dip the fry in my shake! It's a good thing I don't get sicken out by those kind of things! I mean, look how cute the kid is! He also helped me drink it too! Lincoln can eat too! I miss those kids so much! I ended up getting a migraine so we left to go home so I could go to bed. Thanks so much Holly! I don't know how I could have gotten myself in the bed without you! That migraine came on so quickly! I just know I was saying my prayers and the next thing, you were there by my side. Thank you for not leaving me:)
K so Sunday was crazy. Taking a jacket to church and hanging it up is so weird! Holly hang in there! They need you like no other! Esp. your voice and musical talent! Oh by the way every one Holly makes a mean Eggplany dish!! It was yummy! I even ate it! Oh and she makes a great broccoil soup! I liked it which means there is something in it like sugar! Oh and her cookies! To die for!!
It snowed that night and into Monday morning/day and I ended up playing in it with Isaac and Lincoln! It was a blast! I made my first snow angel! Holly has a great clip of it! When she gets it posted I'll try and get it copied on my blog as well! Snow is so much fun yet it exausting! One thing I know for sure, I miss them and can't wait for them to come back to az, or until i visit them again if that comes to b the case! FHE that night was different. I haven't had a relaxing, fun, spiritual, and family centered fhe like that one in years.
P.S. Thanks for winter snow clothes again Tamara!

1 Happy gram:
we love you, nat!! lincoln's favorite animal is a turtle now, thanks to that little turtle you gave him, and he still carries it around and sleeps with it!
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