So this is kinda old news to me, but for some it will be brand new! Spankin new!
Princess Ella is ENGAGED!!!
So how did this happen you ask? well Justin Rex Lee is has a master mind of his own, but he couldn't have pulled it off without Ella's friends! Our jobs were to keep her from trying to figure out what he was up too. So while he was working on preparing the ring and how to ask her and getting me involved, another friend was asking her if she wanted to go on a girls night out! Perfect. They would go see the ring at the store which the people at the store had said they sold it even though ella and justin said they would buy it the next day. Ella was so upset. Trina- justins sister led ella to believing that he had left to go talk to the store manger just before they got back to justins place and that he had been so upset he wouldn't talk to trina. Ha ha, ella was fooled cuz he was at ella's parents house the whole afternoon and almost evening getting permission to marry ella! Let's just say he's good! and then he came to my house to make this! Beautiful! I guess that if you don't have an address to ella and you want to be invited, well you better send one to her quick cuz the wedding is in March! I think march 23 or 28? one of them! It's so exciting! She's so young! my little girl is all grown up... ahhh! love story ella!

0 Happy gram:
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