Friday, June 6, 2008


I'm totally siding with Grandma! She told my mom that we should have let it die and I'm agreeing with her now since it has bitten me seven times and it won't be quite! I'm ready for it to fly away, but I can't even grab it out of it's cage because it continues to bit me! I should have listened to Grandma! I guess I have learned my lesson when it comes to birds! Grandma always knows! However, as much as it is annoying to hear it chirp in the middle of the night, it was fun to watch it grow into this plump round ball of feathers. I just wish I knew how much longer it's going to be around or rather, "when is it going to fly away!?!" I still want to know if it's a boy or a girl though?? hm... guess i'll never know.

1 Happy gram:

tempe turley said...

Cool, we'll have to come see it again to see how much it has grown.